Cool Whip Frosting Over Ice Cream Cake
Cool Whip Frosting Over Ice Cream Cake. The only thing I can say is that he knows is missing. I too love coconut many recipes use. In this article, and a coconut cake for a share of the winning frozen strawberry pie with a coconut shell. Prize Coconut Cake, this is one of the recipes from my mother too, I inherited the treasure box Property. 1 3/4 cups cake flour, 1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup short, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 eggs without breaking, 2/3 cup milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 3/2 cup coconut. If desired, frosting on the extra coconut for sprinkling flour, baking powder and salt: Sift together three times. Cream shortening and sugar until dawn and fluffy. Eggs, one at a time, beating after each add.
Cool Whip Frosting Over Ice Cream Cake
Then add the flour mixture alternatively, the milk, beating until smooth. Stir in vanilla and coconut. Two 8-inch round layer cake pans, waxed paper and pour the batter into the bottom line. Cooking average of 25 to 30 minutes Oven (375). Cool and frost with icing and sprinkle with your favorite. If you want the top and sides with additional coconut. Frozen strawberries with coconut shell pie. Light test 2 1/2 cup coconut: 1/3 cup butter, 1 package (3 ons) cream cheese, soft 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk, 2 1/2 cup water, fresh or frozen unsweetened strawberries (crushed or 1 1/2 cup mashed), 3 tablespoons lemon juice concentrate and 1/2 cup whipped cream.
Cool Whip Frosting Over Ice Cream Cake
Additional fresh strawberries for garnish in a pot 2 liter, to remove heat melt butter and coconut and mix the test. Mix well press the bottom and sides of 9 inch pie dish. Chills. A large bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy, beat sweetened condensed milk. Stir in puree lemon or strawberry puree and concentrate. Fold cream. Cool, pour filling into pie shell, there are some hills. Freeze cake for at least 4 hours or until completely firm. With fresh strawberries before serving, garnish, if desired.